NPF Logo Serve, Share, Improve. Repeat.


What a great idea! As a citizen, I thank you! Janis Williams, community volunteer

Previous clients

  • Ariadne Garden
    Martin's personality and approach were perfectly suited to meet our group's needs. He skillfully and gregariously handled each unique challenge we presented. By the end of the day, we were able to walk away with clear action steps to help move our organization forward. Committed, well organized, and adaptable - we would highly recommend Martin to all those looking to benefit from a facilitator. Sam Schongalla, Garden Volunteer
  • Northwest Association of Book Publishers (NABP)
    When Martin Vlach assured me that our board members would come out of the one day Strategic Planning meeting revitalized and ready to work as a team, I was skeptical. As with many volunteer organizations in these challenging economic times, our board members were over extended and frustrated. Halfway through the meeting, members were engaged and animated. By the end of the day, we were a team with a plan and the enthusiasm and focus to see it through. A wonderful and vital experience. Jean Sheldon, President, Northwest Association of Book Publishers
  • French American International School (FAIS)
    At a time of rapid change in our school, we needed to develop close teamwork between our French and English teaching staff. We asked Martin Vlach to facilitate a day long teambuilding exercise. Martin conducted this full day bilingual meeting with professionalism and sensitivity to the diverse backgrounds of the participants. As a result of this teambuilding, our teachers started to work together effectively on a number of committees, and we never looked back. Jean-Francois Genay, Head of School (retired)
  • Oregon Dental Hygienists' Association (ODHA)
    We are a professional health organization. Our board was extremely pleased with the results of the Strategic Planning meeting facilitated by Martin Vlach. Dr. Vlach's skills enabled us to move quickly and successfully through team-building exercises and understanding of the Strategic Planning process. This allowed for a positive group interaction while working to distill of all our concerns into a few clear goals, and concluded with a list of Next Steps and assignments for follow-through. It proved to be one of our best Strategic Planning Sessions ever! Kelli Swanson Jaecks, MA, RDH, Past President ODHA
  • Hillsboro Artists' Regional Theater (HART)
    During a transitional period in the life of our organization, we asked Martin Vlach to facilitate a Strategic Planning meeting. We wanted the collective input of our artists, theatre volunteers, and community members. Martin brought this diverse group together as a team and was able to solicit broad participation. We finished with a plan that was very satisfying to all. It was truly a worthwhile and memorable day! Kay Demlow, Past Executive Director